Raum+ (2007–today)
The method called Raum+ was initiated and has been continually developed over the last few years by the Chair for Spatial Development of ETH Zurich. The aim of Raum+ is to create a comprehensive and action-oriented overview of settlement land reserves, one that can be updated regularly and that does not involve a major effort or expenditure. In recent years, such overviews of the potentially available settlement land reserves were developed for different Cantons (e.g. Basel-Landschaft, Schwyz, St. Gallen, Thurgau, Uri and Schaffhausen).
The problem-oriented overviews resulting from these efforts create the basis for a targeted and differentiated land area management. Such overviews provide a robust and updatable data base of settlement reserves and their characteristics. Incorporating active identification of underlying land area conflicts and problems, this approach provides wide-ranging options for further customized steps towards specific forms of redevelopment. The approach of Raum+ has been shown to provide a useful methodological and technical approach for the assessment of settlement land reserves.
CODE24 (2010–2014)
CODE24, is a Strategic Initiative in the Framework of the EU INTERREG IVB NEW program.
Synergies between economic development, spatial, transport and ecological planning along the trans-European axis from Rotterdam to Genoa allow to address urgent conflicts concerning the efficiency of the infrastructure network and quality of life along the corridor. After 4 years of intensive work the CODE24 project partners are ready to present their outcomes. Through several actions on local and interregional level a common strategy for the region has been developed and is now available as a basis for further discussion.
Project-Website EGTC Rhine-Alpine
Tagung Innenentwicklung Schweiz (2013 und 2017)
Will die Schweiz die Handlungsspielräume kommender Generationen nicht durch ein weiterhin flächenintensives Siedlungswachstum mit den bekannten unerwünschten Folgen einschränken, so ist die Begrenzung der Siedlungsausdehnung die logische Konsequenz. Eine zukunftsfähige räumliche Entwicklung liegt in einer qualitätsvollen Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen, was einer konsequenten Lenkung der zukünftigen Flächenansprüche und -nachfragen in das weitgehend überbaute Gebiet entspricht.
Die Tagung “Innenentwicklung Schweiz – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen” bot eine kritische Bilanzierung zum Thema Innenentwicklung in der Schweiz und konnte an konkreten Projekten aufzeigen, wie Innenentwicklung beispielhaft umgesetzt werden kann.
HESP – Higher Education in Spatial Planning (2011–2012)
Sustainability, complex land use and awareness of spatial quality are keywords for spatial planning on all levels. Therefore, sustainable spatial development is essential for the coming decades. Changes in climate, modes of transportation, demographics and the economic situation are important challenges for all spatially relevant actors.
Land and ist many uses is more than the bedrock of our country, it is the foundation for our wellbeing, prosperity and national identity. The pervasive effects of changes in land use and land management emphasise the need for developing effective future policies and strategies. Higher Education in Spatial Planning (HESP) must attract young and enthusiastic people and prepare them for solving complex problems related to this most important and limited resource. Problem-oriented project, respectively, studio-based learning should be the core element of explorative learning.
In a trilogy of symposia, a group of international experts in the field of education and practice of spatial planning discussed important aspects of higher education in spatial planning.
Order Publication
SAPONI – Spaces and Projects of National Importance (2012)
Spatial Planning in Europe faces great challenges. More flows of information, goods and people need better integrated infrastructure and will set regional, national and crossborder agendas. Sustainability, complex land-use and awareness of spatial quality are keywords for spatial planning on all levels.
Order Publication
CODE-Athens (2014–2015)
Rail and the City Development in Athens: Questioning the integrated spatial and transport development within the different planning cultures.
Having in mind that Greece faces major challenges (in political, social and economical terms), there is a clear need for new ideas, methods and instruments in order to achieve sustainable development. This is particularly true for the domain of spatial sustainability. Thus, the central focus of the project is Stathmos Larissis, i.e. Athens central railway station.
CODE-Patras (2012–2016)
Spatial and railway development consist a complex and urgent task in Greece, particularly in Patras city. After several preparation and research steps, Test Planning is conducted to provide feasible and alternative solutions.
Greece is facing a great socioeconomic challenge. Despite that the present crisis cuts a deep gash in the history of the country, it also offers new opportunities. In order to achieve a sustainable path of development, investments in the infrastructure of the country are, especially now, of central importance.
Internatinal Doctoral College (2007–2020)
The International Doctoral College is open to excellently qualified candidates from a wide range of spatially relevant disciplines who would like to engage in an intensive, academically creative discourse on difficult, spatially relevant problems within the framework of a doctoral thesis (PhD) and with a view to elaborating viable and innovative attempts at solutions.